New series of digital artwork, which offers a wide diversity of styles. Each series includes three designs layering vibrant colours, details and shapes, giving each picture has a modern feel. There will definitely be an artwork to suit all moods and visual preferences.(Prints available on request)

This modern original series artwork has been produced using some of my own photographs and a mixture of shapes and designs as well as deep rich colours. Slighty abstract, each layered piece has been produced to create a British feel to this visually captivating series. (Prints available on request)

This series of artwork has been created based on old photographs, taken 40, 60, 80 years ago and another one taken (by me) from the same angle and at the exact same location. Both are then merged digitally to create a nostalgic and layered pieces, which will almost allows you to travel through time.(Prints available in Shop)

The "Digby's" series has been digitally produced, using a blend of my own photographs to which other specific topical details have been added, creating a layered fusion of colours. Vibrant, unique and thought-provoking, the artwork will capture your attention, interest and imagination. (Prints available on request)